I think winters finally here and the days are getting colder, alright not quite arctic conditions yet but is deffo time to get a coat on your back. There must be a million and one jackets and coats to choose from but you want something that looks the part and good value for money. The answer Fjallraven, with the best looking and not earth cost jackets available you cant go wrong with the arctic fox.
A great place to pick one up is www.not-addicted.co.uk as there’s a right tidy collection to choose from including the cool looking check lined Oska Jacket, the classic Nordli Winter Jacket which is simply the standard nordli with a nice warm fur lining, the lightweight waterproof Skur jacket, if you fancy that safari look and like your pockets the Kenya jacket is for you, for that proper laddy rock n roll look you’ll stand out on the terraces in the Kaise Anork Jacket, if you like the nordli but don’t want to sweat in the fur lined winter version there’s the standard Nordli Jacket Black and Nordli Jacket Light Khaki, finally the most classic fjallraven jacket available is Greenland either the basic unlined Greenland Jacket Black or Greenland Jacket Green or if you want to really keep warm the Greenland Winter Jacket.
Surely there’s one there for everyone so get logged onto www.not-addicted.co.uk and get the arctic fox on your sleeve!!!!
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