In 1950 when Fjallraven was founded it was just a backpack brand but soon developed into a full outdoor clothing range producing some of the best jackets available for outdoor activities. With many other products in products in the range including Jumpers, Shirts, Polo Shirts, Hats, Tents and much more the arctic fox soon grew as a favourite with the outdoor type.
Fjallraven has now grown in to a clothing popular to the fashion market and Fjallraven Jackets are favoured by many lads into the casual scene so now as well as Fjallraven clothing being worn in the great outdoors its not unfamiliar to see it on the terraces on Saturday afternoons and town centre pubs in the evening.
Fjallraven has now grown in to a clothing popular to the fashion market and Fjallraven Jackets are favoured by many lads into the casual scene so now as well as Fjallraven clothing being worn in the great outdoors its not unfamiliar to see it on the terraces on Saturday afternoons and town centre pubs in the evening.
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